Things Only Ace Thinks About

Sometimes my life is boring. Sometimes it's interesting. Usually it's more often the former and not so much the latter. Sometimes I can make it through my day only by pretending I have a documentary crew following me around, and that's when I'm glad that my inner-monologue cannot be heard by others. Everyone thinks like this, yes? And everyone loves Elvis, and the Brady Bunch, and Stephen King, and birthdays, right?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Jungle Room, 3-D

I am so close to being on winter vacation, I can taste it! Or maybe that's the 25 pounds of fudge and gingerbread cookies I've eaten. Hmmm, Christmas is delicious.

Speaking of things I love, my friends and I held our annual Christmas ornament exchange party the other night. This tradition, lo stretching back these five years now, is one of my favorite parts of the year. We each purchase an ornament, wrap it up, and then go out to dinner. This year, Maryanne and Sarah cooked for us. I was to be helping, but then I discovered that they get Comedy Central.

And I lost all interest in being Helpful Ace.

Anyways, we all put our ornaments in the middle of the table and then take someone else's bag. It's a nice way to exchange gifts, without having to buy for everyone.

But some of us still exchanged gifts, and this is the point of this post. I GOT THE MOST AWESOME PRESENT EVER!!!

Maryanne and Sarah gave me an Elvis book. I'm sorry, that's an Elvis book which focuses on Graceland. I'm sorry, does that not grab your interest? Did I neglect to mention that it is a . . .

Pop-Up Book!

I love it so much it hurts.

Next point to this post: no one else needs to buy this book for me. Let's not have a repeat of last year, how about?

And one last thing before I dash off (yes, dash, it's Christmas, get it?) to give my last two lectures of the semester. We all love holiday decorations. Or we should. Heathens. Let's make a quick list of appropriate ones: lights, trees, wreaths, stockings, etc. Inappropriate ones: lights up all year, trees that aren't green, and those GODDAMN inflatable Santas and snowmen out in your yard.

Why would someone like this?

"Hi, I like to tackily decorate my yard because I'm an ass. Speaking of asses, would you like to kick mine?"

Yes, I would. We all would. For the love of all that is holy this holiday season, do us all a favor. Open your eyes, pull your head out, and take these things down.

That is the gift that keeps on giving.


Blogger Heathie said...

I agree: having an inflatable snowglobe in one's yard is as tacky as having lots of stuff in one's house. Taaacky.

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that maybe they should pull their head out BEFORE they open their eyes. Just a suggestion.

2:36 PM  

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