Things Only Ace Thinks About

Sometimes my life is boring. Sometimes it's interesting. Usually it's more often the former and not so much the latter. Sometimes I can make it through my day only by pretending I have a documentary crew following me around, and that's when I'm glad that my inner-monologue cannot be heard by others. Everyone thinks like this, yes? And everyone loves Elvis, and the Brady Bunch, and Stephen King, and birthdays, right?

Friday, December 22, 2006

The Italian Stallion delivered




I loved Rocky Balboa so much. So, so much. Everyone needs to go see Rocky VI. I probably won't be seeing it again, considering the theatre management banned me forever. What can I say? I might have gotten a little over-excited when I heard the theme music. And I might have started running up the stairs in the theatre in my sweats, whilst pumping my fist over my head, and slurring my words like a drunken whore on New Year's Eve. And I might have yelled out that Mr. T and Ivan Drago can suck it.

No. I was on good behavior, although I did do a little seat dancing. I like to go the distance.

Seriously, this movie kicks ass by the truckload. I plan on seeing it again soon. And I'm assuming that you are all marking this down, because for my birthday (which is just a little over five months off) I would like all the Rocky movies. Except five. Just buy me two copies of four instead.

I like Rocky because he's all heart. He's a winner in life. When Rocky wins, America wins, according to one of my friends. And punching carcasses is how I also like to get in shape.

Ok, Pocatello recap. I clearly saw Rocky. I have painted some ornaments with Heather. I have decorated some cookies with Heather. I have eaten some cookies by myself (I ate the ones I did, because they were less-than-impressive. Unless I am actually four. And retarded. And on crack. Then they were awesome!). I have done some research. I have bought the turkey for Christmas dinner. I have read two fiction books. I have wrapped some presents. I have watched more Christmas movies. I have TIVO'd about 18 hours of Scrubs. I have visited with the nephews. I have spent bonding time with my dad. I have watched three gay pornos. Just checking to see who is still reading my exciting recap. The last one wasn't true. Or was it?

So that's it. I'm loving vacation. And Rocky. I love doing nothing and watching films about aging boxers who refuse to say no to life. When is the next Rambo due? Because, my friends:





Blogger Heathie said...

Good thing Rocky and I are here to distract you from doing your Hawaii work. Otherwise, your vacation would be oh, so boring.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Victoria Dehlbom said...

Glad to see you were able to fit in the movie whilst some of us remained in Pullman. And worked. And talked to parents. Who weren't happy.

12:08 AM  

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