Things Only Ace Thinks About

Sometimes my life is boring. Sometimes it's interesting. Usually it's more often the former and not so much the latter. Sometimes I can make it through my day only by pretending I have a documentary crew following me around, and that's when I'm glad that my inner-monologue cannot be heard by others. Everyone thinks like this, yes? And everyone loves Elvis, and the Brady Bunch, and Stephen King, and birthdays, right?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Blister Doesn't Live Here Anymore

Actually, this title should read that Blister does indeed (maybe) live here still, but Laura and I decided that “Blister Doesn’t Live Here Anymore” sounded like a good short story title or bad after-school special. So the title stands.

The Blister in question is not the gross image you all have, by the way. And let the story begin.

So yesterday I had to run out to the store because, in Steve Carrell fashion, I was really craving an egg-salad sandwich but I lacked the bread, mayonnaise, and celery to make said sandwich (oddly, I had the eggs). As I was pulling out of my driveway, I saw a black cat run by and in my rear-view mirror I saw my cat panic. My cat sometimes gets her ass kicked by other cats, so I thought I should toss her inside.

Since she was outside when I first left, I had left some food sitting out. Once I put her inside, I thought I should put this food away. I left my front door open and when I glanced up there was that black cat, just sitting on my couch. After chasing the thing for half an hour, I decided my hunger took precedence over the cat so I left it in while I ran to the store.

By the time I got home, she was completely happy in my house. She (as I ascertained) had eaten some of my cat’s food, politely used the litter box, and had curled up on my bed. I thought she was hurt, so I didn’t want to toss her back outside. She also appeared under-fed, so I thought maybe she was a stray. But I didn’t want her. I don’t like owning pets. I still couldn’t catch her (slippery little bastard) and I was tired and my solution to the cat problem was to take a nap.

When I woke up, the cat was curled up on top of me, purring away. So I might have bonded with her. I threw her outside and told her to please go home before I got too attached. But not before I gave her a name (which signified the beginning of the end).

Now, when I was telling my friends this story, they all assumed that I named her Elvis or ‘Cilla. Again, I didn’t want to get attached and naming a cat after a member of the first family of rock and roll would definitely do that, so I didn’t. She was pretty annoying at first, but then I got used to her, hence her name.

Blister. Blister the Cat.

It fits, I swear to God. Don’t judge me. I know that it fits, because she came back a few hours later, scratching at my door, meowing, and looking kind of cute in a Blister-y sort of way. So I let her spend the night inside. She comes to her name, by the way. What did you think I was going to name her, Cuddles or Miss Whiskers? Have you met me? Do you know me but at all?

I put her back outside this morning, so I guess I’ll see when I get home if I still have Blister.


Blogger Victoria Dehlbom said...

Love the name. It is better than dog food.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loves it. You must adopt Blister the Cat. I think that she must be Dewie the Cat's Pullman doppleganger. Maybe you should get one of those laser beams. I hear cat's like those . . .

12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How well does she fit in with your other interesting animal?

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new pet. I don't consider cats to be very cute as a general rule, so I think Blister is a cool name for a cat. Just make sure she doesn't belong to anyone else before you have her spayed.

3:33 PM  

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