Things Only Ace Thinks About

Sometimes my life is boring. Sometimes it's interesting. Usually it's more often the former and not so much the latter. Sometimes I can make it through my day only by pretending I have a documentary crew following me around, and that's when I'm glad that my inner-monologue cannot be heard by others. Everyone thinks like this, yes? And everyone loves Elvis, and the Brady Bunch, and Stephen King, and birthdays, right?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

God bless Mother Nature

Question: What do you get when you mix grad students, loud disco music, and lots of alcohol?
Answer: A group sing-a-long to "It's Raining Men." And a few hangovers, I'm guessing.

As the designated driver for Friday night's get-together, I wouldn't know about that last part. But I saw an incredible number of empty wine bottles. And a lot of blackmailing material. And you all know who you are.

Seriously, though, it was a great party (and hosted by a professor, no less) and it was about that time in the semester when we all desperately needed it. I have absolutely NO motivation right now to do anything work or school related. I can't retain a shred of information from any of the books I supposedly read this weekend, yet I could remember all the words to "Bohemian Rhapsody" at the party. At least I didn't head bang to it (hmmm, who could I be talking about here?).

Friday night's party was just what I needed to get me through my last week at school before vacation. Later this week I will be heading off to Pocatello, and who knows what kind of wild and crazy things can happen there? Pocatello is known for its underground culture, legalized prostitution, and lax rules regarding drinking and driving. Wait. That's not right. It's known for . . . lots of other fun stuff. And stuff. But I will be spending time with my family, meeting my two newest nephews who were born last month, catching up on sleep, and reliving fond memories with my *Aunt* Toni. Oh, and enjoying my dad's 500 billion different cable channels on his big screen TV.

And let me quickly add in a bit about the food at the party. Maryanne brought my F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E dessert ever: pumpkin cheesecake. But then she got all possessive when I simply moved it to a more appropriate place. She thought I was hiding it, so I wouldn't have to share, but really I just didn't want it to sit out in the open where it could have, uh, gotten knocked over during a particularly rambunctious rendition of "Macho Man." I was just protecting it so everyone could enjoy it. It's not my fault if some people didn't find it; and for those of you who did, I saw how many pieces you took of my dessert. I mean, uh, I hope you enjoyed it. Selfish bastards.

On a totally unrelated note, I think Maryanne is the prettiest person ever. And smart. Prettiest and smartest. And I expect absolutely nothing back from her, even though I just paid her those compliments. However, if she felt moved to, I don't know, make me some cheesecake, I wouldn't say no.

That would be rude.

Pictures to follow from the party.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


And not even for chocolate.

10:47 AM  

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