Things Only Ace Thinks About

Sometimes my life is boring. Sometimes it's interesting. Usually it's more often the former and not so much the latter. Sometimes I can make it through my day only by pretending I have a documentary crew following me around, and that's when I'm glad that my inner-monologue cannot be heard by others. Everyone thinks like this, yes? And everyone loves Elvis, and the Brady Bunch, and Stephen King, and birthdays, right?

Friday, October 28, 2005


Here are some random thoughts I have had over the last few days.

A couple of nights ago I was reading a novel and had to stop to go do something. I bookmarked my page. As I sat down to pick up on my reading an hour later, I realized I had stopped right at a . . . uh . . . love scene. I wasn't reading a Harlequin Romance or anything, but it did have a few pages of . . . stuff. Anyways, the thought that went through my head was that if I had died before I picked my book up again, someone would find this book, marked on this page. And they might think that I had just left it there so I could always find the dirty scenes. And then they'd judge me and think I was all about the dirty, when really I just had to wash some dishes. But then again, if I died, people would have to clean out my whole house and they'd find my whole porn collection. So I guess I'd be judged no matter what.

I don't really have a porn collection. Or do I?

Ok, the next thing was that my cat once again tried to spend last night outside. Since it was far too cold (and someone keeps trying to steal her), I figured I'd better let her in. She wasn't coming to me when I called her name--which is just another reason dogs are better than cats--so I decided to trick her into thinking that I was going to feed her. I left the door open and shook her food dish and she came a'runnin. I was very proud that I had tricked my cat. Then I thought to myself, "If I'm so proud that I outwitted a cat, I'm in a whole mess of trouble." Then I thought, "If I'm using a phrase like 'whole mess of trouble' perhaps I should be happy that I still CAN outwit a cat."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe your cat was trying to escape from your dog, and you should just let her go. You'd then have more time to "read".

8:44 AM  

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