Things Only Ace Thinks About

Sometimes my life is boring. Sometimes it's interesting. Usually it's more often the former and not so much the latter. Sometimes I can make it through my day only by pretending I have a documentary crew following me around, and that's when I'm glad that my inner-monologue cannot be heard by others. Everyone thinks like this, yes? And everyone loves Elvis, and the Brady Bunch, and Stephen King, and birthdays, right?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Tension relief (but not THAT relief)

Do I feel like doing work today? Not so much. Instead, I've been thinking about what one of my friends said to me yesterday, regarding my OCD. And guess what? We all have OCD on some level or another, I'm just more open about mine.

Maybe the world would be a better place if we could all admit our own odd little tendencies. To inspire you, I've made a list of five of my own.

(1) I like to have my silverware exactly centered on my napkin. I typically spend at least 30 seconds fixing this when I go to a restaurant, and I get a little tense if they aren't perfect.

(2) I have very specific orders for things. Some make sense (like having my DVDs and CDs alphabetized, and having all of my Stephen King books ordered by publication date), and others less so. For example, when I get ready in the morning, I lay out everything I'm going to need in the bathroom in the exact order I'm going to need it. Comb, gel, brush, blow dryer, different brush, curling iron, hair spray, floss, baking soda, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc. Again, tension happens if things get mixed up.

(3) When I go to bed, I have to fold my top bedcover a very specific way and remove my decorative pillows in a specific order. They also have a very specific home at night while I sleep.

(4) In the same vein, when I get ready in the morning, I cannot make my bed until after I have blown my hair dry. I won't do it before.

(5) My friends all know this: I hate odd numbers. This applies to dates as well (although I give certain exceptions: I like the first, anything ending in 5, and the 21st). Even worse is if the date is in an odd month, and on an odd day. For example, I hate July 9. We don't know why. It just really makes me anxious.

Rest assured that I have many more, but I think that's enough sharing on my part for now. And contrary to what someone may say, I don't alphabetize the contents of my refrigerator. Do I? Am I having a panic attack right now because the mayonaise is on the wrong side of the mustard? And don't even get me started on where the lettuce is . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I'm channel-surfing, I count to ten at each station before changing it, even if I know within the first two seconds I won't like the show.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Interesting. I just blogged about my OCD oddities a few days ago. After your Simon and Garfunkel post and thinking about my spices in the correct order, like the Scarborough Fair Song... AND I thought of several more. AND last night when I was folding towels with the folds all perfectly facing outward and colors alternated perfectly, I felt such PLEASURE!

4:25 PM  
Blogger Ace said...

That list of five was just the tip of the iceberg.

5:19 PM  
Blogger Victoria Dehlbom said...

You mean not everybody keeps their CDs alphabetized and history books not only in chronological order, but then in author order. What is the world coming to....

You didn't know I suffered from OCD too until now. It freaks me out when people mess up my CD order or hang my short sleeve shirts in my long sleeve shirt area. Drives me nuts. I also don't like it when they mix up my pants with my skirts in my closet. Very distressing to me. You might laugh, but some people in my house did not appreciate it when I put all their shirts organized in their closet as well as their pants.

2:37 PM  
Blogger Ace said...

My closet is arranged by color (at least as far as tops are concerned). And, my "dress" clothes are separated from my "casual" wear. And pants have their own home. And long-sleeved. And . . . oh my OCD.

3:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL. Me too. My socks even have seperate DRAWERS in case the whites intermingle with the darks. But I am totally not racist, I just don't think black and white socks should mix.

12:00 PM  

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