Things Only Ace Thinks About

Sometimes my life is boring. Sometimes it's interesting. Usually it's more often the former and not so much the latter. Sometimes I can make it through my day only by pretending I have a documentary crew following me around, and that's when I'm glad that my inner-monologue cannot be heard by others. Everyone thinks like this, yes? And everyone loves Elvis, and the Brady Bunch, and Stephen King, and birthdays, right?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Nerd Alert

I have to figure out how to type with a British accent, because that is how you are to be reading my title. I can do my Idaho accent easily in type, but foreign accents get me everytime.

Uh, so, moving on.

Clearly, the people I work with have nothing to do. This, of course, includes me, but I hate to use the word “work” in reference to me, since most of my day consists of me sitting in my office staring at pictures of Elvis. There have been two recent converts to the world o’blog. Go see Cynthia’s and Maryanne’s (link to be coming as soon as she figures out how to make her background green and pink paisley). Actually, don’t see Cynthia’s unless you are ready to go to Def-Com 5 for hatred. Her site is filled with pictures from her three-week vacation in Guam. Oh yes, we hate her. Or maybe I’m just jealous that my souvenir wasn’t a male *fertility* knick-knack.

And clearly I have time to waste since I redid the color scheme on this site. What do we think of this? I’m semi-color blind, so I was aiming for burgundy for the background. Was I even close? I was waiting for a phone call from a friend saying, “Hey, retard, what’s up with the orange background?”

Is this background too girly for me and my site? Especially since most of my jokes revolve around sexual innuendos of the 12 year-old boy variety.

Which reminds me, while Cynthia was off traveling around Guam (can you hear my seething even now? And I’m not envious. Pullman is often called the Guam of North America. Hah, so there.), she and her boyfriend found a massage parlor called “Itchy Bang.” That just seems like bad advertising to me. Who wants to get a massage (or a happy ending, for that matter) when all that you’re promised is an itchy bang?

This just makes me sad, since one of my friends is still suffering from the syph. Our thoughts are with you. Maybe that’ll teach you to go to “Al’s House of Massage” instead of “Itchy Bang Massage.”

And that, in turn reminds me, of another story. Some people think I have a dry sense of humor. I disagree. I think my sense of humor is pretty blatant, but to each their own. Anyway, apparently one of my co-workers went up to one of my friends and said this (bear in mind, this man speaks with a heavy foreign accent and sometimes has trouble conveying his thoughts to us), “Hey, are you dry like Ace? Yeah, you’re both pretty dry.”

Is this really any of his business?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your background is actually sky blue, with yellow stripes.

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The background is pretty girly, but if anyone can pull that off, it's you.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Ace said...

What Japanese restaurants are you going to where they are throwing cleavers at the patrons? I think I'll stick to the massage parlors.

And to my spelling of it.

6:52 PM  

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