Things Only Ace Thinks About

Sometimes my life is boring. Sometimes it's interesting. Usually it's more often the former and not so much the latter. Sometimes I can make it through my day only by pretending I have a documentary crew following me around, and that's when I'm glad that my inner-monologue cannot be heard by others. Everyone thinks like this, yes? And everyone loves Elvis, and the Brady Bunch, and Stephen King, and birthdays, right?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Swiggin' beer straight out of the bottle . . .

As promised, here are my non-girly attributes.

A) I don't like babies. I rarely find them cute; typically they just disgust me. They're pretty drooly, they smell funny, and they cry. Loudly.

B) I have the sense of humor of a 13 year-old boy.

C) Seeing others cry does not bring out the saint in me. It does bring out the bitch, though.*

D) I am not afraid of spiders.

E) Take a glance into my fridge. It bears a striking resemblance to your nearest neighborhood bachelor's.

F) I enjoy mowing the lawn.

G) I might also enjoy The Sopranos too much.

H) I'm pretty sure that I snore.

I) One of my favorite movies is Tommy Boy.

J) I pee standing up. Ok, this isn't true, but I often wish that I could. Typically when I'm in a public restroom.

*Crying at weddings is perfectly acceptable (see previous post). However, crying because you did not do so well on a test? Not so much.


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